Trish Has Got the Blues Yet Again

Local author, Trish Finnegan once again dropped into the studios for a third chat in three years about her third book in the Blue Bird series, aptly named Baby Blues.

Trish ‘Presenting’ Her Book on Radio Clatterbridge

Following on from books Blue Bird and Blue Sky, Baby Blues continues the life of a determined and courageous, sometimes reckless Sam Barrie, as a young female constable making her mark in the world long before digital evolution. Trish gave us a snapshot of the book leaving us contemplating what happens.

The Baby Bird Series - Book Four to Follow - Blue Flame?

Launch for book three is on Thursday 6th July online and on Trish's social media platforms - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and her website - all listed in the audio.

Trish, who is balancing six grand children, husband Paul, drinking coffee and procuring a new oven - despite Paul’s protests, and of course writing in between, is already well into scripting the fourth book in the series that has a working title of Blue Flame. That is due for release next year, with once again the support of publisher, Burning Chair.

A Young Trish on Duty Back in the Day

Trish at the Bristol CrimeFest Joking About Crime Genre

You can search for the previous interviews with Trish about Blue Bird and Blue Sky in our News tab, to catch up on Constable Sam Barrie. But better still, purchase the books from all good bookshops!

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Listen to Trish Here


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